Monday, October 19, 2015



Monday, October 5, 2015

First Step to Learning Japanese

I got fascinated by the Japanese language when I fell in love with Miyazaki's animation works. Though I have no foundation of Japanese languages, the beginning wasn't tough for me as I am a native Chinese speaker. It's interesting that I'm actually learning Elementary Korean simultaneously to fully understand East Asian cultures. The language structure of Korean and Japanese are quite similar that it's quite easy for me to understand the position of Japanese particles.

The difficult part was that recognizing hiragana accurately was a lengthy process from me. It was also a bit tricky to memorize certain exception of number expressions for inquiry of time, price and age. Pronouncing hiragana directly could be a bit slow and I will definitely kept practicing my speaking skills along with daily writing practices.

さくぶん1 Self Introduction

  はじめまして!わたしは アンジェラです。21さいです。ちゅうごくじんです。ペキンし ゅっしんです。わたしは コロンイビアだいがくの だいがくせいです。よねんせいです。わたしは バーナードの がくせいです。わたしの でんわの ばんごうは きゅういちななのろくはちさんのななきゅうろくにです。